TimeShockedByEMP 2.0 ; time in seconds the ship will be paralized when hit by one EMP charge
maxhealth 3000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired
repairDroids 8
externalBuild FALSE ; if TRUE, ship is built externally
fowRadius 9000
forceFieldProtectionDistanceScale 1.1
approxcollmodifier 1.0 ; use only % of collspheresize for rough approximations
avoidcollmodifier 1.0 ; use only % of collspheresize for collision avoidance
;blastRadiusShockWave 1.75 ;MG not in Homeworld
blastRadiusDamage 230
minimumZoomDistance 225
resourcesAtOneTime 650 ; number of resources it will try to get before returning home
maxresources 650
harvestRate 31 ; eat asteroid every n+1 frames. This value must be 1,3,7,15, or 31
harvestAmount 1 ; harvest asteroid for this many RU's every n+1 frames specified above
cantMoveAndAttack TRUE
repairApproachDistance 600.0
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE
Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.9 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount
RKOEatMeTime 10 ;Time Rko will take to eat this ship
RKOGetsMissiles 9 ;Number missiles Rko gets for eating this ship
; Pilot View
pilotViewOffsetX 26.0
pilotViewOffsetY 0.0
pilotViewOffsetZ 70.0
;Gun Bindings
;Dock Points
; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection],[updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint center,DPT_Link,200,150,300,2,4
DockPoint Point1,DPT_Salvage,500,500,600,0,2
DockPoint Point2,DPT_Salvage,500,500,600,0,2
DockPoint Leech0,DPT_Leech,185,185,200,0,2
DockPoint Leech1,DPT_Leech,185,185,200,0,2
DockPoint Leech2,DPT_Leech,185,185,200,0,2
DockPoint Leech3,DPT_Leech,185,185,200,0,2
DockPoint Leech4,DPT_Leech,185,185,200,0,2
DockPoint Leech5,DPT_Leech,185,185,200,0,2
DockPoint Leech6,DPT_Leech,185,185,200,0,2
DockPoint Leech7,DPT_Leech,185,185,200,0,2
explosionType ET_ResourcerExplosion
trailSegments 10
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 4, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 4, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 4, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 4, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 4, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 4, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailRibbonAdjust 0.5 ; also the default
trailWidth 17.0
trailHeight 30.0
trailSpriteRadius 65
trailSpriteOffset -1.5
trailRibbonAdjust2 0.5 ; also the default
trailWidth2 17.0
trailHeight2 30.0
trailSpriteRadius2 65
trailSpriteOffset2 -1.5
;Scaling effects
N-LIPS 0.00012 ; Max value for Interceptors for 5.0^4
; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name